But, the good thing is that there is a way to fix the crashing and other similar issues of your game. The edits in the Fallout4Custom.ini file in My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/ causes my game crash as soon as it's done loading my saved games, and if I start a new game, it crashes immediately. Only way to fix it, is to remove this from that ini: bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= And … Find the following variables and modify them by these values: Also, make sure that iSize H and iSize W match the current screen resolution you are using. However, it was stolen by his subordinate Connor, who felt that Zane had become weak and planned to start his own raider gang. I found that after playing Fallout for a couple minutes it would crash. The developer has shared some additional information on how the plugin works and the things you’ll need to take care of, in order to use this plugin. The issue seems to spreading, there might be a lot of reasons behind it, which are still unknown to us. Want to skip ahead to the sollution? Game still crashes. If you can’t run Fallout 4 on your Windows 10 PC, the problem may be Raptr software. In your library right-click on Fallout 4 Select “Settings”, then “Betas” and a drop-down menu will appear select the “beta – 1.1.30 Beta Update”. Most times the crash is where my computer just freezes and sound is still playing as the very falmiliar "eeeeeee" sound. If you don’t have the tool properly installed, you can simply download it from site.

Fallout 4 is a great game, but many users have reported various issues with it.